Viduthalai Part 2 is an upcoming Tamil language movie that is expected to hit the theatres soon. The first part of the movie was released in the theatres on 31st March 2023. Viduthalai Part 1 is receiving positive reviews and this has set the bar high for Viduthalai Part 2. Here we have covered everything you need to know about the Viduthalai Part 2 release date, cast, story and more.
Viduthalai Part 2 Release Date
Viduthalai Part 2 is expected to be released in the theatres in September 2023 in India. It is a 2023 Tamil-language period crime thriller film written and directed by Vetrimaaran. The film is produced by Elred Kumar under the banners of RS Infotainment.
Viduthalai Part 2 Cast
Soori as Kumaresan, a police constable
Vijay Sethupathi as Perumal “Vaathiyaar”
Bhavani Sre
Gautham Vasudev Menon
Rajiv Menon as A. Subramaniyan
Munnar Ramesh
Saravana Subbiah
Viduthalai Part 2 Story
Kumaresan, a police officer, is hired into “Operation Ghosthunt,” which aims to capture Perumal “Vaathiyar,” the leader of a separatist group known as the “People’s Army.” The People’s Army is highly committed to fighting against the authorities for committing atrocities against innocent village women in the name of police interrogations. Kumaresan is one of the police officers who is recruited into this operation.
Viduthalai Part 2 FAQs
1- What is the release date of Viduthalai Part 2?
Viduthalai Part 2 is expected to be released in the theatres in September 2023.
2- Who will direct Viduthalai Part 2?
Viduthalai Part 2 will be directed by Vetrimaaran.