Skanda, also known onscreen as ‘The Attacker,’ is an Indian Telugu-language action drama movie. It was written and directed by Boyapati Sreenu and produced by Srinivasaa Chitturi in partnership with Zee Studios. The film stars Ram Pothineni, Sreeleela, Saiee Manjrekar, and Prince Cecil. It was released in the theatres on 28th September 2023. Here we have covered everything you need to know about the day 3 box office collection of Skanda and its budget.
Skanda Box Office Collection Day 3
Skanda earned around Rs 3 Crore at the box office on day 3. The film deals with the vengeance of a man who fights against the influential corrupt men. Skanda stars Ram Pothineni, Sreeleela and Saiee Manjrekar in the leading roles. The day 3 box office collection of Rs 3 Crore is extremely good for the Skanda film producers as the movie may go past its budget soon.
Also read: Skanda Box Office Collection Day 2 and Budget
Skanda Budget
Skanda is estimated to be made on a budget of around Rs 50 Crores. Ram Pothineni, Sreeleela and others star in this Telugu film directed by Boyapati Sreenu and produced by Srinivasaa Chitturi. Thaman S is providing the music in the film. It is expected to be a full-blown action drama.