Share is an upcoming American sci-fi thriller movie directed by Ira Rosensweig. Co-written by Benjamin Sutor, this movie features Jenna Hogan, Macy Minear, Sydney Breithaupt, Danielle Campbell, Gabo Olmeda, Bradley Whitford, Melvin Gregg and Alice Braga. The movie is produced under the banner of The Travelling Picture Show Company, XYZ Films and Wavemaker Creative. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about Share release date, cast, storyline, teaser, trailer and more.
Share Movie Release Date
Melvin Gregg and Bradley Whitford’s upcoming American sci-fi thriller movie Share is all set to entertain the audience and is scheduled to release worldwide on November 10, 2023.
Share Movie Cast
- Melvin Gregg
- Bradley Whitford
- Danielle Campbell
- Alice Braga
- Sydney Breithaupt
- Jenna Hogan
- Macy Minear
- Gabo Olmeda
Share Movie Storyline
The storyline of Share movie revolves around a man struggles to survive after awakening alone, trapped in a society connected only by primitive computers, where the ability to entertain is his only currency. The first feature film ever to be shot entirely from one fixed camera angle.
Share Movie Teaser Trailer
The official teaser trailer of Share movie was released by XYZ Films on their official YouTube channel.
Also Read: Eileen Movie Release Date 2023, Cast, Storyline, Teaser, Trailer and More
Share Movie FAQs
Q. What is the release date of Share movie?
A. Eileen movie will be released on 10th November 2023 in the cinema halls.
Q. Who is the director of Share movie?
A. Share movie is directed by Ira Rosensweig.
Q. Who are the producers of Share movie?
A. Share movie is produced under the banner of The Travelling Picture Show Company, XYZ Films and Wavemaker Creative.
Q. Who are the writers of Share movie?
A. Share movie is written by Benjamin Sutor and Ira Rosensweig.