Music School is a musical drama film shot simultaneously in Hindi and Tamil. The film was released in the theatres across India on 12th May 2023. It stars Shriya Saran, Sharman Joshi, Prakash Raj, Ozu Barua and Gracy Goswami in prominent roles. The movie is directed by Papa Rao Biyyala. Here we have covered everything you need to know about Music School box office collection day 5 and ahead.
Music School Box Office Collection Day 5
Music School is expected to earn around Rs 50 Lakhs at the box office on day 5. The musical film is receiving mixed reviews and the box office collection prediction of the film states the the movie will not do well at the box office in the upcoming days. The fifth day box office collection of Rs 50 Lakhs for Music School is not a good sign.
Also read:Â Music School Movie Review: A Pale Musical Drama
Music School is about the pressure applied by school systems and parents on children to continue with endless hours of studies, only studies. Thinking of making them doctors and engineers, thereby leaving no time for art and leisure activities for the students.