Dhoomam an upcoming Malayalam thriller drama movie directed and written by Pawan Kumar. The movie features Fahadh Faasil and Aparna Balamurali in the lead roles and Roshan Mathew, Vineeth, Achyuth Kumar, Joy Mathew, Anu Mohan, Mable Thomas in the supporting roles. The movie is produced by Vijay Kirgandur under the banner of Hombale Films. Here in this article, we have covered everything you need to know about Dhoomam release date, cast, plot, teaser, trailer and more.
Dhoomam Release Date
The much awaited Malayalam thriller drama movie Dhoomam, starring Fahadh Faasil and Aparna Balamurali is all set to release in cinema halls on June 23, 2023.
Dhoomam Cast
- Fahadh Faasil
- Roshan Mathew
- Vineeth
- Aparna Balamurali
- Achyuth Kumar
- Joy Mathew
- Anu Mohan
- Mable Thomas
Dhoomam Plot
In the scene, Faasil’s character captivates a room full of men during a boardroom meeting, seemingly presenting a pitch. He astutely observes that despite the presence of anti-smoking public service announcements at the start of every movie, the audience either disregards them or remains unaffected by their message. Vineeth questions the intent behind this statement, to which Faasil’s character leans in and suggests, “What if we create an ad that truly captures people’s attention?”
The subsequent series of shots in the teaser unveil the suspenseful and thrilling ambiance of the movie without divulging much about the plot. The protagonist embarks on a morally ambiguous mission involving elements of kidnapping, violence, and intimidation. A concerned female friend expresses worry for him, while another man appears visibly terrified for his life. Faasil’s character is seen mourning the loss of a loved one in multiple scenes set in a graveyard, hinting at his quest being driven by a desire for revenge.
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Dhoomam Teaser Trailer
The official teaser trailer of Dhoomam movie was released by Hombale Films on their official YouTube channel.
Also Read: Confidential Informant Release Date 2023, Cast, Story, Teaser, Trailer and More
Dhoomam FAQs
Q. What is the release date of Dhoomam movie?
A. Dhoomam movie will be released on 23rd June 2023 in the cinema halls.
Q. Who is the director of Dhoomam movie?
A. Dhoomam movie is directed Pawan Kumar.
Q. Who is the producer of Dhoomam movie?
A. Dhoomam movie is produced by Vijay Kirgandur.
Q. Who is the writer of Dhoomam movie?
A. Dhoomam movie is written by Pawan Kumar.