AIR is an upcoming Hollywood movie directed by Ben Affleck. The film, scheduled to release in the theatres on 5th April 2023 in the USA, is a biographical drama that stars Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Jason Bateman, Chris Tucker, Marlon Wayans and Viola Davis in the lead. It is based on the life of Sonny Vaccaro, who revolutionised the Nike brand with AIR Jordans. Here we have covered all you need to know about the AIR movie budget and box office collection prediction.
AIR Movie Budget
AIR movie is estimated to be made on a budget of about US $30 million. The film is a low-budget biographical drama produced by Skydance Sports, Mandalay Pictures and Artists Equity. The film will surely go past its budget with the box office collection. It features a stellar cast which almost guarantees the box-office success of the film.
Also read: The Boogeyman Budget and Box Office Collection Prediction
AIR Box Office Collection Prediction
AIR is expected to earn around US $100 million at the box office worldwide. In the USA, we expect the movie to do a solid business of about US $80 million at the box office. However, in recent times the biographical dramas have been found to be box office failures despite receiving positive reviews, and this can play a huge role in terms of box office collection for AIR.